Lights During Flowering

I cannot stress enough that during the FLOWERING PHASE, the dark period should not be violated by normal light.  It delays flower development due to hormones in the plant that react to light.  If you must work on the plants during this time, allow only as much light as a VERY pale moon can provide for less than 5 minutes. Keep pruning to a minimum during the entire FLOWERING PHASE.

A green light can be used to work on the garden during the dark period with no negative reactions from the plants.  These are sold as nursery safety lights, but any green bulb should be OK.  It is best to keep the dark hours a time when you would normally not wish to visit the garden.  Personally, I like my garden lit from 7pm to 7am, since it allows me to visit the garden at night after work and in the morning before work, and all day long, while I'm too busy to worry about it, it lies unlit and undisturbed, flowering away...

Flowering plants should not be sprayed often as this will promote mold and rot. Keep humidity levels down indoors when flowering, as this is the most delicate time for the plants in this regard