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Why do you think so many people choose alternative remedies for their illnesses?  Maybe because we are tired of "paying the piper" (most pharmaceutical companies) for medications that sometimes has unwanted side effects.  People have strayed from using natural remedies and common sense to treat what ails them until fairly recently.  These days there are shops opening up left and right that provide an alternative route to healing or easing many of our "aches and pains", as well as serious diseases.

Marijuana is one of the oldest herbs known to man that provides healing qualities for many different ailments.  Unfortunately, our government criminalized the cultivation, use, and distribution of marijuana many years ago (right around prohibition of alcohol).  Marijuana can relieve symptoms ranging from headache to symptoms that occur from cancer and the treatment of it.  Studies are currently being conducted throughout the world to evaluate the true potential of marijuana as a medical alternate to many medications, or as a way to alleviate side effects of medications.

Medical Analysis


Research Demonstrates Marijuana Is Safe For HIV Patients