If you can, send copies of your letters to the following list of officials
who have been identified by Hawai'i state representative Cynthia Thielen as
being influential in this issue:

Raymond Kelly, Commissioner
U.S. Customs
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20229
(202) 927-1000 (phone)
(202) 927-1380 (fax)

Jacob J. Lew, Director
Office of Management and Budget
Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington DC 20503
(202) 395-4840 (phone)
(202) 395-1005 (fax)

Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary
Department of the Treasury
Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20220
(202) 622-2000 (phone)
(202) 622-2599 (fax)

Norman Mineta, Secretary
Department of Commerce
Herbert Hoover Bldg.
Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues NW
Washington DC 20230
(202) 482-2000 (phone)
(202) 482-2741 (fax)