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Pot Butter!
This is an essential recipe--is used in many other recipes!

Melt a pound of butter in a pan. Mix 60-70 (or more grams of thoroughly sifted
pot in it. Let it boil carefully a couple of minutes until the butter has
gotten a green color from the grass. Then squeeze the butter through a fine
strainer. While you use the strain, keep the leaves away in a corner of the
pan by using a spoon. Squeeze hard to get out as much of the butter as possible. The cooking
time has varied from "a couple of minutes," as above, to 10-15 minutes from other baked epicurean masters. 10 minutes works fine for my "friends." 

had the best luck with a double boiler, cooked it at a medium temp for about half an hour. He used about a 1 oz of dried leaves, including sun leaves, with 2 sticks of butter (got to be real butter). He then strained it in a small kitchen strainer and refrigerated it until it was firm. There will be a sediment on the bottom of the jar, seems to be bits of leaf and crystals of THC. He just stirred it up before he used it to cook with. If you eat the butter on crackers, be aware that it tastes AWFUL, but if you cook with it the flavor does not come through. He cooked a batch of brownies (right off the unsweetened chocolate box) with this "cannabutter", couldn't taste it at all and was pretty well wasted on 2 small brownies. (it made 24 of them)

To warm up the pan a little will make the butter flow easier. Also strain the
butter that is gathered in the deeper parts of the pan. If you don't want any
remaining leaves in the butter, you can strain it through some muslin. A
problem concerning this is that you will loose some butter in the muslin. Don't
throw the leaves, they still may* contain viable THC. The leaves can be cooked
in milk or vodka and become a tasty and effective drink. Hot milk or vodka
might also be poured through the muslin, thereby saving some of the hashish
butter. You can fry more leaves in the same butter in you want to increase its

General "word on the street" is that the bud left over after the extraction is worthless and should be thrown away... I left the comment in the recipe because boiling the used pot in milk really does taste good. I have not experienced consuming the beverage at what might be called a "baseline," so I do not know if it has psychoactive qualities.

A simpler and stronger version of the cannabis butter (or ghee)... by mixing
melted butter with hashish or hashish oil instead of pot. It is not necessary
to fry this as long as in the case with the pot. Just warm it up and mix it
until the hashish or hashish oil is dissolved in the butter. You can put as
much hashish (or hashish oil) into it as you want. Another plus is that there
are no remaining leaves with THC to worry about.

I would be sure to cook the hash with the butter long enough that any alcohol or chemicals that were used in processing the hash were cooked off, especially if using hash oil. Cook it until any alcohol or chemical smell is entirely gone.

Buttered Bhang

In a saucepan, melt half a cube (1/8 pound) of butter or ghee.
Crumble a good handful of marijuana tops or leaves (1/3 - 1/2 ounce).
Stir the grass into the molten butter. Continue stirring over medium
heat for one minute. While it is hot or sizzling, add 8 ounces of
vodka. Be cautious that the hot butter does not make the mixture
spatter. It is best to pour in the vodka swiftly. Continue to boil for
30 seconds or more, stirring all the while. A pinch or two of powdered
cardamom seed may be added during the boiling. . . .

After boiling as much as desired, strain the liquids. Press the mash
in a strainer with the back of a spoon to remove all the juices.
Discard mash or boil it again in fresh vodka to salvage more
materials. Sweeten to taste with honey if wanted. Pour the liquid into
4-ounce wine glasses. . . . Serves two. "only two!!
"This recipe is not only an efficient method of extracting the active
principles from marijuana, and an excellent medium for assimilation
(alcohol, butter and honey), but it also has a delicious and
satisfying flavor. It is reminiscent of hot chocolate, but is much
more pleasant to drink. It is one of the most swiftly absorbed
cannabis concoctions. The effects of the grass may be felt in less
than fifteen minutes. Cheers!"